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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Manipulative Extraterrestrial Interests Control Humanity Through Mass Hypnosis

It's been awhile since we had a headline this worthy of the words Barf Stew - same cast of characters as usual - same slimy jargon that puts together bits of reality with bits of fantasy for a core of believers to digest and spew forth. Did I give you my opinion yet?
Go Here For Seconds Of This Barf:
Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
Talking to Extraterrestrials: Communicating with Enlightened Beings
Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials

And, speaking of Barf - The strange case of John St. Clair’s “Full Body Teleportation System” and the Grays -
Now, why not fill in those holes in your knowledge about the Grays: The Little Gray Book Of Alien Stories
2022 Anunnaki Code. End Of The World And Their Return To Earth. Grays Contamination, Anunnaki New World Order, How The Anunnaki Are Going To Change Our ... (The Anunnaki and Anunnaki-Ulema Series)

How about some real time travel to a coffee break in 1862?

And, below is a video that is with this Barfy Story -  - Found alive: Two dinosaur species in Papua New Guinea [with videos]  

Yesterday, Barf Stew had one dire prediction about the economy after another by so-called `experts' - here's another - Art Cashin to Investors: 'Hunker Down' Like Cash-Hoarding Firms - Barf Stew does Economics.

And, the other day - Barf Stew told you how God's Number was 20 - based upon Rubik's Cube ---- so, could a PacMan Tribute be far behind?
Did you know that PacMan's top score is 3,333,360?
Pac-Man: 30th Anniversary Party
Jakks Ms. Pac-Man TV Game
Speaking of numbers - here's a 10 in most mens books - --- and here's another - Barf Stew Entertains.

Finally today - let's give you some GREAT Stew from Bruceleeeowe - Analysis of Evidence of Life On Mars -


Did you enjoy your Stew today? Go back to the beginning for much more:

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