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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Small Business Index Hits New Low in July

If one only listened to the MSM, or, took our President's words as real, one would think the recovery is happenning with a new mood of optimism about the economy and world in general. However, what does it mean when nearly everyone doesn't believe the MSM or the President - and real data continues to show the opposite? Well, at Barf Stew, we like to bring you the data you have to dig to find on the internet and most likely will NEVER hear about on the MSM - and that data is in this link - the LOWEST readings ever for the small business index - with words like these from the link: The Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index -- which measures small-business owners' perceptions of six measures of their current operating environment and future expectations -- fell 17 points to -28 in July. This is its lowest level since the index's inception - read more, it gets worse. Barf Stew Does Politics. Yes, a NEGATIVE 28!

And, don't wait for the media to feature this data either: (other than the 1/2 of 1% reading the NYT)

as the above data represents just how much employment has been lost in this recession and how it compares to previous recessions. Barf Stew for sure - - more disturbing graphs at this link too.

Meanwhile, the people of California are about to tell the Feds to F off - Yes on Prop 19 Winning 52%-36%; Majority Supports Legalizing Marijuana - Barf Stew.

IF citizens actually had a REAL congress, with real people, wouldn't being MAD like this also happen ALL THE TIME instead of once a month and making news?

Here's a strange little story about `alien abduction' Come Down To Earth With Wood Betony - - Barf Stew.

The latest `wow' signal - are the aliens sending `light' signals? Stewable.

Meanwhile, Gold Prices May Suffer as Scam Complaints Rise - - and, just wait until the concept that of all the `paper gold' in the world - that only 1% is actually available if demanded. Barf Stew.

Newest, sexy virtual girl -  Barf Stew Entertains.

How about a double shot of sexy?

Can a ship float on nothing?

Do you have a website? LinkShare Can Make You Cash.

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