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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Medieval Coin In New England Soil?

See the `coin' above? It was found in Maine in August, 1956 - was thought to be an English silver coin, but, in 1978 was identified as Norwegian piece dating to the reign of Olaf the Peaceful (1067–1093).
What does all this prove? Not much, evidently, - get the whole Barf Stew story here -

Remember the airline that may start `standing' seats - to pack more people onto flights? Well, the latest from them is the CEO wants to cut back from two pilots to one saying that a flight attendant could do the job nowadays; to which, the Ryanair employees say - Ryanair Crews' Cost-Cutting Idea: Drop the CEO - - touche. Barf Stew.
Ryanair: The Full Story of the Controversial Low-Cost Airline

High Times - 1938 Style

Marijuana - The Latest Craze - 1938
Barf Stew Time Travel

And, speaking of assassin's, French Senate approves burqa ban - Barf Stew. BS does politics.

Traditional Afghan Burqa Blue click to buy your own today

And, in today's `paranormal' link - A Thesis on Alien Life: Extraterrestrial, or Something Else? - Stewable.

Are Mermaids Sexy?

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