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Friday, September 17, 2010

Ozone Layer Depletion Has Been Halted

A couple of the tenets of the ending of humanity as we know it - global warming (which has plateaued in the past decade) and the ending of the ozone layer (now halted?) - seem to be being mitigated by those ugly things called data and facts (if they are to be believed). Nonetheless - let Barf Stew bring you the spew that the MSM might not be jumping on as they don't want to upset the `story' that they have been spewing - find out by what year the ozone layer is projected to return to 1980's levels.
Ozone Diplomacy: New Directions in Safeguarding the Planet, Enlarged Edition

Did 20 million live in the Amazon Forest centuries ago? (Which is barfily similar to did 100 million Indians live in America in 1491 - - or - is this all  Barf Stew  - ? Barf Stew Does Science.
The Last Forest: The Amazon in the Age of Globalization

In a Barf Stew first - a Washington Post link followed by a NYTimes link - Barf Stew Does Economics.
The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008

Ok, enough of what is `A' influence stuff and time for `C' influence type stuff - as ONLY Bruce Duensing can produce. - what you will find in the stewable link is some of the HEAVIEST writing you will ever encounter -are you up to a challenge this weekend?

And, now that your mind is stimulated by the above link - try this on for size - NBC's 'The Event' part of UFO, ET disclosure, acclimation? - Barf Stew.

Today's Featured Shorpy is the early use of the `car' to encourage people to move to Canada onto their free 160 acres.
Barf Stew Time Travel

And, to keep you warm in Canada - how about 45 pictures of hot Oktoberfest girls - KISSING - Barf Stew Entertains. Or, how about this babe -

Meanwhile, one final `science' look - Children Under Four and Children With Autism Don't Yawn Contagiously -
Barf Stew.

Finally, Barf Stew Does Politics.

The Revolution: A Manifesto
End The Fed
A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship

Thanks for visiting Barf Stew today - please return again. And, make SURE to see my cool sidebar ---->

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