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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wild Chimps Outwit Human Hunters = Evolution At Work

Fun article and video about a group of wild chimps observed de-activating snare traps - possibly passing the barfy information from generation to generation -
Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex among Apes

In other edgy science news - Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle? - and, a different version of the same story with a slightly different take Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter - strange and stewable.
Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics

Paranormal? Look no further - With Photos

Today's Featured Shorpy - Washboard Blues
Click To Enlarge
real time travel

Thinking women and clothes from the above picture(?) - check this out -
and continuing the BS entertainment -

Would you say that this story is being a bit underreported? Karzai urges Afghans not to panic as bank withdrawals accelerate - Barf Stew spreads the Spew. Barf Stew does Politics.

Here's the first word by the cool new paranormal blog called The C Influence about what Mr Hawking said about God the other day: Stewable. More at the link.
Textbook Buy Back at
Many Barf Stew Readers Report Good Service From Cash 4 Books.

Meanwhile, the barfy side of being stuck underground - Wife runs into mistress at mine - - and, I saw this joke yesterday on Reddit - The husband says to the wife - I want a Chilean Miner - she says, what is that - he says - go down to my shafts bottom and stay there until Christmas.

Prop 19 - the people revolution - gains some support in some unlikely places - California Council of Churches IMPACT Endorses Proposition 19 - Stewable - and, this from the American Police Beat - Legalizing marijuana protects public safety - Stewable.

Then again, in a classic demonstration of listening to the public and voting public - Pot Bust Triple After Voters Make Marijuana Lowest Priority For Police! --- The BARF of Politics.

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