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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

B.A.R.F. ---- Biblical America Resistance Front - And Other Barf Connections

So, I figured it was time to see just what Barf was `out there' so to speak - I wasn't disappointed - - as this site points out the barf they see. ------------ Then, I found out Barf has this meaning:The "BARF" diet, an acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones And Raw Food was created by Billinghurst. - - Then, from wikipedia to the Urban Dictionary - The premature expulsion of consumed materials through the mouth and nose. noun: The material that is expelled in the manner described above. - - you can find barf bag and barf bits too at the urban dictionary. And, let's also not forget the food-dog connection: or the connection that barf brings to mind for humor - Whereas seemingly unrelated to the word is this site - :Hymenoptera Hurl -- Bumble barf, Wasp Whoop, Bee Vomit, Apis Spew, Hornet Hoop . . . We sell it all. If an insect eats it, chews it and spews it, ... But, BS has saved the best to last as you can see below:

Today's BS ends with a great video of what expectations for food have NOT come true:

Yeah, I know you come for the sexy pics too - - so don't miss this one.

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