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Friday, October 22, 2010

The Faustian Soul

Once again, Barf Stew features the writings of Dan Mitchell and his blog Luminosity - let me draw you in with this tease:

Three days after this event I received a package in the mail.  This package was a letter and literature from an individual I have referred to as "JK".  At the time I didn't know how he had found my personal address or even my real name.....
It was very simple, but the literature I received from them admittedly scared me to some extent.  There were things in those books that only people involved in certain events would understand. For instance one of the books was laid out like a children's book with the most intense and disturbing drawings I had ever seen.  It deals with a boy named "Carter" who has a secret.  He sees strange looking midgets with large noses kidnapping children-some are kept forever, some returned home, and others are "destroyed."  "Carter knows that one day the strange men will come for him, too"- one of the more memorable lines goes...

I thing BS readers get the point - a great read is right here - Stewable.

Literally Barf Edge Science - 'Drunken' gene discovered by scientists - - yes, a gene that controls how `fast' one feels the liquor. Stewable.
Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood
Drunken Lullabies
Drunken Tower Game

Family Guy The Drunken Clam Tan T-shirt Tee

Ready for another paranormal read?
This one is about Castaneda, Streiber with a touch of Gurdjieff tossed in - Stewable.

Star Wars Science - Force Trainer
The Above Is An AMAZING `MIND' TOY - Check It Out. Can you move The Force?

100 of the best links on the internet - Stewable. Bookmark and enjoy all weekend.

Speaking of enjoyment - how about a sexy tease for the weekend coming up. At 2.7 million views one has to wonder if this is not common.

How about another Sexy Picture of those Hose Girls? IRA here - Barf Stew Entertains.

One final heavy read for my BS readers - Time and the Multiverse - Barf Stew.
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