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Monday, October 25, 2010

Iron In The Ancient World Was Taboo.

Barf Stew is dedicated to finding you the best in mind stimulating entertainment - like another piece from Dan Mitchell called `We Are Coming Through The Walls' - once again, I'll give you a tease of this great post:

The mention of the Walls and the Cave is what made me feel that there was far more to this event than a dreamlike state. When I first began to read books by Rene Guenon and Plotinus among many others, I was beginning to have a more thorough understanding of this phenomenon. To summarize, the process of world creation entails a gradual movement from a state of lightness and fluidity (goodness,dignity,etc) to that of gross manifestation and solidification (greed, materialism, death). To illustrate this we find in our own history that before the use of steel in stone cutting that the ancients used mostly bronze and certain techniques using abrasion rather than the hammer and iron chisel. It should be kept in mind also that the stone cutting guilds of the ancient world, who were the very builders of renowned civilizations were the possessors of the many diverse "religious" secrets that practically date back to before recorded history.

Dan goes on to tie a portion of humanities woes to the fact that most of us live IN iron or may work IN iron. Heavy duty stuff worth your stew -
Iron John: A Book About Men

So, the stats for BS show a number of hits coming related to this YouTube video that suggests a Time Traveler --- what you want to watch for is the person who enters the screen from the right with what appears to be something to their ear - much like how today people carry their cellphone. If you miss it the first time - they do it again and again over about the full minute.

The Time Traveler's Wife
The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century
The Time Travelers (The Gideon Trilogy)
The Reluctant Time Traveler

Here's another excellent piece from Bruceleeeowe called - METI: Gloom And Doom Hype of Alien Invasion - find out the difference between SETI and METI - Stewable.

Politics on BS - Bureaucrats successfully shut down dangerous stands manned by children - swimming in Barf.

You mean like the miniskirt here on Amanda Bynes? - or - this one on Cameron Diaz - Barf Stew Entertains.
Cameron Diaz (Today's Superstars Entertainment)


This link makes a prediction for an upcoming LA earthquake - based on Mothman like sightings - - Barf Stew - caution.
8.2 earthquake could produce $6.1B LA loss.: An article from: National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management

Outlawing MINISKIRTS? -- Barf Stew.

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