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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seti’s Hunt For Artificially Intelligent Alien Machines

Okay Barf Stew fans - you love the edgy science thoughts BS brings and one of the BEST sources for such is Bruceleeeowe's site called Weird Sciences. In this post - WORTHY OF THE 10 MINUTE READ in every sense - `Bruce' a college student airs thoughts out that you have never considered when considering life in the Universe. Stewable; you'll want to share a serving with your friends. (Yes, `Bruce' is one of those TCI writers too.)

Ready for more intellectual stuff? Being Suicidal: What it feels like to want to kill yourself - here is a top shelf - heavy duty read about the state of mind of suicidal folks (OH, btw, the Doctor's theories in this article from a Dr. Roy Baumeister -- I went to high school with him, in his graduating class, and knew him slightly - I believe he was the valedictorian.) Totally Stewable Barf here - careful with this Ouiji board.
Books Below By Roy:
Is There Anything Good About Men?: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men

Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition

Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism, and Other Flights from the Burden of Selfhood
Economic Collapse?

UFO links? -

SEXY Picture - 14 inches above the knee -

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