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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Group Finds Abe Lincoln In Same `Time Traveler' 1928 Charlie Chaplin Movie

Layering up the absurdity for Barf sure - yes, in that same movie `Circus' someone has supposedly found not only a time traveler with a cellphone from the future (with no one to call) but now the image of Abe Lincoln time traveling from the past also,  evidently -- Adam GoRight tackles it here - as it is all part of a media promotion here - - BS assumes for a upcoming movie. The lunopolis link is to a video.
Ancient Science: 40 Time-Traveling, World-Exploring, History-Making Activities for KidsJourney's Edge Traveling World Time Clock & Flashlight

Amazingly, on the same day - here's a link to the earliest known photo of Abe - Honest! Abe Lincoln's earliest photo finally 'confirmed' - using somewhat barfy Facial-recognition software.
 Becoming Invisible: From Camouflage to Cloaks (Great Idea)

Speaking of finding faces in old photos - how about removing them from existing moments?
The `becoming invisible' technology is almost here. Barf Stew.

Please Don't Leave: Becoming Invisible (Volume 1)

Thank goodness these beauties are not invisible - first the young one - then, the great Milf cheesecake photo - Barf Stew Entertains.
MilfToo Much for TV Presents: Milfs Hottest MomsThe MILF Anthology: Twenty-One Steamy Stories (Blue Moon)

The Ultimate Barf Stew football play - the trick play by the middle school team:

Basketball Plays, Tricks and Gimmicks
Football's Game Winning Trick Play [VHS]

Ten TRILLION degree moment re-created on Earth - - despite slim chance experiment may have ended our existence. Stewable. Will the search for our beginnings be our end?
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America
The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict

Mystery Animal or Mangy Fox? The Wisconsin Mystery Animal 2010:

Now, here's some REAL Barf Stew - glimmers of hope for the economy - Or, you can believe this comment from below the above analysis:
This is what's really going on:

In October, 'broader household employment fell 330k. The only reason that the unemployment rate held steady is that 254k dropped out of the labor force. The civilian labor force participation rate fell to a new low of 64.5%, indicating that people do not believe that jobs are available, but this serves to hold the unemployment rate down. In addition, the employment-to-population ratio fell to 58.3%, the lowest level in nearly 30 years...the US economy lost another 124K full-time jobs, thus bringing the five-month loss to 1.1 million in this most critical of all employment categories. In an even more significant sign, the level of full-time employment in October was at the same level that was reached originally in December 1999, almost 11 years ago.'
Basically, I guess the best we can do is hope we hit bottom sometime, but what I don't get is why you Keynesian dogmatists can't spot a Keynesian liquidity trap? It's not like QE worked out well for the Japanese, either...

Meanwhile - The tunnel people of Las Vegas: How 1,000 live in flooded labyrinth under Sin City's shimmering strip - - with Barf Stew Pictures.
The Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York CityVoices In the Tunnels: IN Search of the Mole PeopleTunnel People



  1. HI Rick,

    You keep saying things like "a time traveler with a cellphone from the future (with no one to call)." I am with you insofar as I doubt the person in question is really a time traveler or anything out of the ordinary. But the fact that they wouldn't have anyone to call does not prove this point. One could imagine, for instance, that the entire get up is DESIGNED to attract attention, but that the meaning which it would impart is coded for our time. I am not sure if you've run any of the recent "present and future influence the past" science articles that have been out recently, but you can imagine that having something to do with it also. That's only two ways of thinking that could account for how a lady holds a cell phone in that ancient film. I'm not advocating for either idea, but pointing out that such ideas exist as possible underpinnings of an argument that said lady is holding a cell phone.

    All the best,

  2. DB Donlon,

    Thanks for your comment --- AND -- you have been very much missed on the blog scene. IF you are back in some manner or your old stuff is still available I'd love to see it or have a URL. MY Standing OFFER to join TCI blog still stands.

    Now, to your point, I am familiar with the now and future influence into the past - but only on very small timescales with human consciousness as the attribute in question.

    Also, you may not be aware - but Barf Stew on Sept. 2nd did OUR OWN time-traveler picture and every time ANYTHING about time-travel comes up BS gets lots of hits because of it. So, I've been trying to continue the looks at such ideas and pictures. And, like you - do NOT think anything is unusual in the picture. As you are probably aware - Discovery has already done a debunking video on the pic, and Forgettimori was all over it quickly too.

    Great to hear from you - please conside a return via TCI -- I'd be happy to re-send the invite.



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