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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Palin Show Mocked By Fox Off Camera

As the link below the YouTube indicates - none of these folks would say this in the Fox Lunchroom to Palin's face for sure:

A few more details here - Barf Stew.
Going Rogue: An American Life

America by Heart : Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag


My Shop -- with more Palin choices too.

Just can't get enough of Sarah Palin? Perhaps the Miss Alaska Swimsuit competition is something you'd like to add to your Saturday Barf Stew entertainment --
Oh, I got the waxy link here -- and there is lots more where it came from -

Speaking of hot girls in swimsuits and less - BS Sexy Weekend Entertainment - and and a celebrity bikini - for more pictures like this just go to other posts as most posts feature non-nude pictures like these. Barf Stew Entertains.

Indeed, are you ready for a good helping of Barf Stew Entertainment? Hope so - as this video is to a `UFO' (really an orb if not a bird) over a Nuke Sub.

And in real news - Meredith Whitney Plans to Launch Rival Rating Agency - - to me, one of the few real voices worth a listen to is Ms. Whitney. Stewable.

IF you are not aware -- and the TV industry has a vested interest in seeing that you don't -- the number of people, the physical count number of people who subscribe to cable TV and Dish type networks DECLINED AGAIN - despite increases in population of course. Of course, the reasons are varied as this link explains - Why Time Warner Cable Is Testing a Cheap TV Package - Barf Stew.The Lost Tribe

Every once in awhile BS brings you a new blog to explore - I call those BlogFinds on Blogspot - here's a rarity, a psychedelic viewpoint blog - - I have also added this blog to my blogroll on the BS sidebar - make sure to check it out please as part of your stay here today.

Oh, saw this political story this morning - thought I'd share it - 92 percent of men in key province are unaware of 2001 attacks on U.S. - seems where the fighting is most intense in Afghanistan - the men we are fighting against and for don't even know that 9-11 happened. - Stewable for sure. And here I thought we were fighting for women's rights in that part of the world? BS does Politics.
Meanwhile, in cool edgy `science' - Peru contacts unknown Amazon tribe - with video and short read - STEWABLE.

Thanks for visiting BS (Barf Stew) today - bookmark and return again next week, or even tomorrow.

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