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Monday, November 8, 2010

Potius Sero Quam Numquam: Part I

The high strangeness writings of Dan Mitchell:

I believe that there is a potential for invasion during every generation. I'm not talking about UFOs showing up. I am talking about mass hysteria, extinction level events, war, and catastrophe.  We haven't all understood that the physical makeup of this world is a reflection of what is inside of us.  We are well overdue for a serious cataclysm, and mark my words, the more established "they" become, the more the chances for an ELE to occur. For generations many individuals have been receiving programming during the time they sleep, or when they are experiencing encounters.  This programming, which many of us have experienced, has a certain degree of mystique to it.  It's almost like we know the information is there, but we cannot access it.  The ufo abductees and experiencers of high-strangeness have in fact been the main facilitators of these entities coming into actual physical manifestation. I firmly believe and have been told that we are a genetic gate through which they can enter. The RH negatives are by far the most sensitive group of them all and the most in tune to that larger world.  In a manner of speaking, we can also be the most easily deceived and manipulated. 

Mighty Stewy -
Files From the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator?s Explorations into High StrangenessHigh Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction

New Forum by Lon Strickler - of Phantoms and Monsters and TCI blog. Stewable.
The Ultimate Time Machine: A Remote Viewer’s Perception of Time, and Predictions for the New Millennium

BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Set- 4 SUBLIMINAL CDs - Advanced Psychic Ability / Psychic Development Program (ESP, Clairvoyance, Dreams, Astral Travel & Telepathy - Develop Supernatural Powers - Paranormal / Psychic CD Collection with Brainwave Entrainment Technology & NLP (4 CDs: Psychic Ability, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection / Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing / Remote Viewer Aid)
Remote Perceptions: Out-of-Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, and Other Normal Abilities

And, speaking of The C Influence Blog - another winner of a post - - commenting on the 1897 UFO flap. Stewable.
Solving the 1897 Airship MysteryThe Great Airship of 1897: A Provocative Look at the Most Mysterious Aviation Event in History (Popular Beliefs Controversial)

And, from the America dumbed down series:

Wonder if these blonde's would sound as dumb? OR this first for BS - a bondage picture - BS Entertains.

And, lets finish today with supposed NASA images that suggest something anomalous on the moon:

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