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Monday, November 1, 2010

Record-Breaking Belly Button Fluff Collection Revealed

It must have been a proud moment to bring this to the world's attention:
(click pic to enlarge -

Mr. Barker, the lint collector, - has gathered 22 grams of it and is now the Guinness's World record holder. Oh, BTW, he sold three bottles to it to a museum - a Barf Stew Lead Story.
Digging Deeper As They Say:
The Belly Button Fluff Pixie (Volume 1)
The God Of Belly Button Fluff

And, from belly button lint to Baby Worship - Barfable?

The Praise Baby Collection: Born to Worship

Meanwhile, worshipping babies and belly button lint hardly have a legs up on proving the reality we exist within is a hologram - Fermilab is Building a 'Holometer' to Determine if Reality Is Just an Illusion -
Yeah, BS has the science story you meant to read last week. Stewable.
Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

Barf Stew Sexy Picture - and a real teaser.

The UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - Has Moved over 16 hours towards midnight - find out why -

See you tomorrow.

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