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Friday, November 5, 2010

Smart People Do More Drugs--Because of Evolution

Here's some Stewable logic which while probable - is also probable to contain some rancid Barf too. Short article that is to the point -
Digging Inward:
Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth
Why Smart People Do Stupid Things with Money

That Barf Stew Banana Dock Time Traveler Ruse still brings lots of folks to Barf Stew - and thanks for visiting - every time `time travel' is on the edge of the news - especially like the recent finding of a cellphone user in an old 1928 movie (of course a reasonable explanation was offered in BS and elsewhere) - none the less, many folks are coming to this website for this photo - so, here's another link to the original story -

Yes, I will use that as a segway to today's featured Shorpy photo.
(click picture to enlarge for full effect this 1917 picture)
I monitor Shorpy and Bring You The Best.

Speaking of beachwear and today's BS sexy picture -

Today's Fear Link - 10 Reasons Why Ordinary Hard-Working Americans Are About To Really Start Feeling The Squeeze - Barf Stew.

Speaking of doing drugs - (remember, that was the BS headline) Was pot used on live TV or was it all a Barf Stew?;jsessionid=3700F88354499549F2843BEFF1E0F9C7
Clove Cigarette?
Cigarettes Clove-10 x 20/pkg Brand: Honeyrose Herbal Cigarettes

Kretek: The Culture and Heritage of Indonesia's Clove Cigarettes

Barf Stew often talks about Phantoms - and often talks about Politics - but seldom do the words combine like this intellectual read into the real political situation from one point of view - The Phantom Left -

This next link has this line in it: “The shaking of spacetime occurs at a million times per second, -- more on the test to see if spacetime has holographic effects

BS has given you lots to stew about today - so here's one more:

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