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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Year 2038 Problem - OR - Y2K38

Now Barf Stew is readily aware that the Y2K problem largely never existed despite its almost palatable existence. I do remember when the first Islands in the South Pacific were turning to the year 2000 and then the first population centers - a good 12-15 hours before 2000 came to America - and that everyone was breathing a sigh of relief. That said, this 2038 computer problem is only starting to rear its potential ugly head. --- Is this Barf Stew or Not? - or, will it be known as the Friday the 13th Bug?
Year 2038 Problem: Computer Software, Y2K Problem, Integer (Computer Science), System Time, Coordinated Universal Time
Future Problems: Future Problem Solving Program International, Year 2038 Problem, Year 10,000 Problem, Y1c Problem

Speaking of time related issues - Hoaxes From Space: Time Travel Hoaxes, Part I - - really some Stewworthy stuff at this post.

The Great American Heart Hoax: Lifesaving Advice Your Doctor Should Tell You about Heart Disease Prevention (But Probably Never Will)The Authenticity Hoax: How We Get Lost Finding OurselvesThe Da Vinci Hoax

The Harlequin Hoax!" Fine Art Giclee Print on Paper Comic Book Cover Jerry RobinsonThe High Blood Pressure HoaxWhat Happened on the Moon: Hoax Lies & Videotape

Entertained yet? These pictures will for sure - Sexy Picture One - --- and number two - Barf Stew Entertains. Almost NSFW.

Here's a guy who's views usually are not worth a link - today however he rants about the society power structure - and gets somethings remarkably correct - Barf Stew.

Looking for your intense UFO link of the day at BS? Light Anomalies. Stewable.
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

And, BS finishes today with a Sexy Video - 2007 Bikini Contest:

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