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Friday, December 17, 2010

Extreme Skywriting - And, Other UFOs

So I was getting a post ready for my UFO blog by searching for UFO videos of South Carolina - and as sometimes happens when I do that (I've done that about 10 times in the last month or so) I uncover other things of a Barf Stew nature. Today BS will present a few videos for you to consider.

In this first one, just LOOK at what these `planes' are putting into the sky and tell me it isn't suspicious; right?

Pretty tough to catch that orb wasn't it? But, lets look again at those chemtrails:

Starting to form any hard and fast ideas about what you are seeing yet? ---------- Well, hold on for some Barf Stew.

So easy even a caveman could do it.
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  1. You should see this dancing light UFO video from Thailand, very recently captured. It might relate to your sightings and add a little international context. My friend actually saw three of them but only managed to film one. Spectacular footage! I posted it on Youtube the morning after the event mid Dec 2010 entitled:

    UFO NEWS-Thailand-Multicolored Worm-Skywriting-Dancing Lights-December 2010.mp4

    Here is the url:

    Please contact me at Youtube if you’d like more info.
    Peace, Love, and Light! -ShieldPacal

  2. Thank you ShieldPacal for the link - I have already used it as today's post on my UFO blog at along with my commentary too.

    R.P. (aka B.Stewy)

  3. Hi, Rick, thanks for your interest in this phenomenon and the link to your site (Thanks BS for posting on DisclosureCountdownClock). Googling 'Dancing lights UFO' will bring up reports as well as other footage. There are many who have seen this phenomenon with the naked eye. Please see the Youtube page for recent updates in the 'details' section of the video. Most of the update includes commentary on muzuzus 'POV'. For others, I'll post the url here:

    Please keep this conversation alive. I'm still holding to the 'unknown' hypothesis. You can contact me at Youtube- ShieldPacal


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