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Friday, December 10, 2010

Internet Swallows SETI Story About Objects And Dec. 2012 - As Craig Kasnov Doesn't Exist

I see that someone beat me to this story by 3 hours --- I assure you  - that I looked up the name given supposedly of a SETI employee about objects streaming towards Earth that would arrive in December 2012. Using the search on the SETI site I found this yesterday:

No results found for Craig Kasnov -- seems the story was picked up or promoted by The Examiner website by a Andrew Wozny - (I believe I read the same garbage about a month ago on - a site with a mix of real and unreal stories).
Anyway, Barf Stew was all ready to say we were first to expose the BS hoax --- but - this website had it up three hours ago - - yes, NO Craig Kasnov exists at SETI - I even E-Mailed them the story and asked if it was TRUE -- and got - not an answer. A minute of legwork proves the gig Barf Stew.

Serpent of Light: Beyond 20122012: Science Or Superstition
Nostradamus Effect: Extinction: 2012Maya Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date

Here's a good BS story for you - Swamp Loggers” Stumble Upon Bigfoot Nest? - with video, and, make sure to read the comments.

Swamp Loggers: Volume 1In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot

First, Mystery BOOMS hit the Atlanta area - then this - Mystery object streaks across the sky - - with story and picture.
 The Big Boom (A North Beach Mystery)

Oh, here's the above strange video of the Atlanta event above:
(BTW, the original video on YouTube has already been removed for some reason.)

Here's a BS story someone in a Florida Newspaper office was given to do about the Florida Skunk Ape -

Abominable Snowmen, Legend Comes To Life: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Oh-Mah, Grassman And Skunk Ape: The Story Of Sub-Humans On Five Continents From The Early Ice Age Until Today Illustrated

Nothing Skunky about these hot babes as Barf Stew Entertains - asian cutie first - followed by this GIF that you will watch more than once - and finally, a blue eyed cutie with a self shot - --- you can find more BS galleries nearly daily by paging back thru Barf Stew History.

Seems a third report of a hanging JET in Alabama has been reported - - high strangeness folks. BS.

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