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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Satellite Images Of The Ghost Cities Of China

Merry Christmas. Stir The Stew.

If China is supposed to be the endless growth of the worlds economic engine - what do these images mean? And, if they represent the coming bust - what can be done about that? Questions a bit too sticky for our MSM - but not Barf Stew. -
Ghost TownGhost Town (Morganville Vampires, Book 9)
Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town
Ghost Towns of the Southwest: Your Guide to the Historic Mining Camps and Ghost Towns of Arizona and New Mexico

Want a good Christmas read? Bowing - - with words such as:
Bows of apology and thanks

Bows are a required and expected part of any apology or expression of thanks in East Asia, especially Japan, Korea, and Taiwan .
Bows of apology tend to be deeper and last longer than other types of bow. They occur with frequency during the apology, generally at about 45 degrees with the head lowered and lasting for at least the count of three, sometimes longer. The depth, frequency and duration of the bow increases with the sincerity of the apology and the severity of the offense. Bows of thanks follow the same pattern.
Bows of apology are frequently performed at press conferences by high-ranking members of a company that has performed some misdeed, such as producing faulty parts that resulted in a death. These bows are almost invariably performed standing behind a table; the tips of the fingers touch the table while the upper body, held straight, is lowered from the waist until the face is parallel with the tabletop.

More Stewable stuff at the Wiki link.
The Sacred Art of Bowing: Preparing to Practice

Bowing to Necessities: A History of Manners in America, 1620-1860

Ever wonder how a watch works? Some serious Barf Stew going on with this invention for sure:

Today's special UFO link for Christmas - Have you ever heard of Mr. Bob White? -- here's his more than compelling story that he told for decades AND a pretty good UFO listing too - Stewable.

Meanwhile, IBM's Watson supercomputer will play Jeopardy! on these dates, -  - Valentine's Day being the first of three dates - cool videos too at the link.
JeopardyBe My Valentine, Charlie Brown (Remastered Deluxe Edition)

Ken Jennings's Trivia Almanac: 8,888 Questions in 365 Days

Today's dose of Fear - HR 645: Congress Seeks to Authorize & Legalize FEMA Camps - (oldie) - - three other nightmarish links too. Barf Stew.

Finally, --- well, something Barfsters will be glued to shall we say: (Make sure to read the comments too):

One final Christmas Gift for Barfsters -

Please visit the sidebar before you leave today. Thanks.

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