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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scientists Gain Insights Into Women's Sexual Choices Such As Hunkiness

This made for internet consumption Barf Stew study will be proclaiming this information on humanity based on feedback from 124 women and 117 men - looking at characteristics such as a countries murder rate, income distribution, and health statistics - to name a few. Nonetheless, the finding about what makes certain men types `hunky' in certain countries is a Stewable read -
The SInful Man (romance, erotica, sexy)

Indeed, I've been waiting to use this story and Barf Stew headline - Penis map shows different words for 'willy' around the UK - Yes, now you too can find out the words for Penis via a Penis Tag Cloud for the UK - the SIXTY plus words are ones you'll want to consider for your favorite penis too.
The Penis Name Book: A Guide to Naming Man's Best Friend
IRON MAN PLUS ~ Maximum strength Male enhancement! Better than the Name Brand Pills!

Speaking of penises -

Items For This YouTube Video - Chicken, head Webcam.

Two sex related links, check. Crazy YouTube video, check. How about a crazy Shorpy picture a century old - with Skinny Dippers?

(click picture above to enlarge)
(comments about the Shorpy Picture at the link)
Barf Stew Entertains With Real Time Travel Pics

Ready for a new heady Paranormal Read? - The scoutmaster, or, how the good guys are different - - a fantastic account from someone who has Barf Stew and a slew of writers from TCI on the sidebar. Anyway, this is a story about an impossible angel.

In the Arms of Angels: True Stories of Heavenly Guardians
Angel Miracles: Inspirational True Stories of Heavenly Help

Guardian Angels: True Stories of Answered Prayers

Continuing our looks at sexual appeal today means it is time for the BS Gallery don't you think? - As the caption said that got BS to click this gallery: here is the way to dress if you are passing out stuff at a fair or somewhere to reduce complaints and increase the taking of the item - - and here is another self-shot cutie and here is another celebrity of sorts in a too short skirt - Barf Stew Entertains.
Joanna, of the skirts too short and the lips too red and the tongue too pert

Finally, if you wondered just how sexy a video is allowed to be on YouTube (evidently) - here you go -

See You Tomorrow? Please give the sidebar a visit before you go today!

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