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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chemtrails - Fortean, Nefarious OR Total Barf?

As Barfsters know, I've been airing out, so to speak, the Contrail-Chemtrail issue in my blogs the last few days - really ever since I took an unbelievable picture of Chemtrails a couple weeks ago in Atlanta which I posted in this link (page down)

Then today at my UFO blog I kinda - really laid out two extreme `answers' as to what the Chemtrail phenomena might be - only touching on the `conspiracy ideas' that Chemtrails may ultimately be used to reduce the population - as the possibilities that the phenomena being Fortean OR Nefarious is extremely disturbing. Or should be.

Let's examine the hardest of the hard `facts' that the Combat Diaries may have uncovered about `Chemtrail Planes':

The aircraft involved show remarkably similar characteristic and performance, though their profile
we have yet to find in any book of aircraft recognition. Roughly, they resemble in shape and size
the Boeing 757 (the type that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11), but carried no markings. This is
remarkable in itself, because technically it is illegal. Measured by range theodolite and ex-service
hand-held rangefinders, they were doing approximately the same speed at the same height. The speed was
steady, quite precisely maintained, being 1200 –1400mph. This is somewhat high for an outmoded passenger
aircraft type, meant for inland short/medium range commuter flights at a top speed of 450 mph!
These things are wonders in themselves, but it is the sheer number of these pseudo 757-type aircraft that is
beyond belief. On this chosen sample day, our reporters in France, Germany and Holland, Spain, Italy
and Israel alone reported at noon the sky trails of no less that 234 almost identical aircraft at between
40-50,00 feet Since this hourly rate continued during the day it represented some 2340 sorties over ten
hours. Worldwide, multiplying the quite reasonable factor of 10, we have 23,400 sorties per day by planes
of a non-military non-supersonic configuration,travelling at speeds equivalent to the combat speed of
F16 or Typhoon Euro-fighter.

YES there is more and it gets worse. But, let's BS about this a bit.

First, it's a bit more than the fish falling out of the sky in front of a sushi bar (like what happened in 2010) or the 13 year old boy being stuck by lighting on Friday the 13th at 13:13 on the 24 hour dial. Those are Fortean. This is Beyond Fortean. This is beyond causing wonder.

It is nefarious. (Seemingly.)

Yes, BS hedges as the ideas suggested are truly beyond comprehension UNLESS it is extraterrestrials -- OMG.

I mean, no country has that many planes or government organization -- and no amount of pressure could keep it secret for this length of time with NO breach by pilots, airfields or the support apparatus. (This would be on a scale far beyond the robotrons working in an Area 51 type set up IMO.)

It would certainly seem to imply that `other forces' have taken center stage. Forces that could produce `objects' that have an outside (cloaking?) appearance of a jet. Objects that respect no airspace, need no re-fueling, never land or take off, make NO SOUND,  and are flying seemingly random patterns.

Well, excuse BS and perhaps - go get the straight jacket - as is it only BS logic that puts this all together? With CHEMTRAILS as the linchpin? (At least the visible linchpin.) With Chemtrails as the Slippery Slope? A slipper slope that may have these as other `factors' for the `story', the recipe - the stew - to be `plausable' and edible?

Ingredients such as:

One Cup Stanley Fulham - who says the aliens told him they are here to clean up our atmosphere. (IS THIS THAT?)
1/2 Cup of Conspiracy - the Chemtrails are full of chemicals to decrease the population once a more suitable balance in the atmosphere is attained.
1/4 Cup of OWG - One World Government - governments KNOW that it is not HUMANS doing the spraying and are in rough agreement or accord with the extraterrestrials. OWG is also seen as the appropriate response to acknowledgement of the `aliens'.
`Pinch' of Disclosure - Via media productions and sky productions such as Chemtrails and UFO `displays' - then, to hasten the pace of all that is above - turn up the heat until near boiling. Diffuse with plausible denial until the gig is up for a significant part of the population - or - the system in place simply crumbles.

Makes for a good stew - don't you think? However, it all depends what Barf you put into the mix of ingredients. One can easily make it DOOMSDAY HOT - DISCLOSURE MEDIUM - (or) DENY IT TO THE END MILD. Sheeple prefer the mild.

We, The Sheeple Better Wake Up Sweatshirt Small White - T-Shirt

Sheeple: Caucus Confidential in Stephen Harper's Ottawa

Bumper Sticker: "Sheeple: Everything is Fine. Go Back to Sleep!" - Bumper Sticker

We, The Sheeple Better Wake Up Keychain

Fixed News Sheeple Black T-Shirt Funny Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

Sheeple herd Black T-Shirt Humor Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

Words Coined in the 20th Century: Discothèque, Pareidolia, Ignosticism, Neogeography, Sheeple, Killbot, Idiot plot, Telescope Nut, Pension bomb,



More Chemtrail Stuff I'm blogging - and



  1. i have seen lots of chem trails. got photos also. i have seen chem trails turn clear blue sky into overcast clouds. i have seen chem trails made by jet planes. lots and lots of jet planes fly all the time. civilian or military dont matter, just lots and lots.
    check out this chem trail:
    others on my flickr account also.

  2. i'm curious to know what airline pilots/crews and those working in control towers have to say about this seemingly very real phenomenon. anyone care to speak up, or have you all been gagged with threats?


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