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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TSA Pat-Down Of A Three Year Old

Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, right? Total Barf.

New Nadir Dream - Ron Paul could lead a new libertarian/progressive coalition - - barf stew.
The Revolution: A Manifesto
Both parties and all Presidents seem to be the same to BS - Ron Reagan Jr. Says Father May Have Had Alzheimer's While President -

My Father at 100
Six more set themselves afire to protest government(s) - MSM totally silent - perhaps one of the `political shooters' needs to do this to show just how disgusted they are. Barf stew.
Future of food could be bright? Is this study a glimmer of hope? - Stewable.
Meanwhile - - BS.

Fast White Rapper

State Pension Funds 2.5 Trillion short - nothing more than the useless politicians not living up to any standards.
Speaking of Standards - Time for today's BS Gallery of Sexy Girls - some oh la la outfits first - followed by blow girl - is this one headed to prom? - - beach braces beauty - - finally, trade show talent - - Barf Stew Entertains (for some great pictures just go thru the archive as BS has been doing cute girls for a year now)
See you tomorrow?
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