WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Middle East in Crisis: a Worst-Case Scenario

This is not some long story - just a quick CNBC reminder of how vulnerable the USA is do to over 3 decades of false promises by our so-called leaders telling us they were bringing us `energy independence'. - Barf and Stew. Upchuckable. Barf Stew does Politics.
Parasites of an invisible government;: Criminal activities of crooked professional so-called "labor leaders," solution of the so-called labor-problem; free non-labor union

OUR SAVIOUR HAS ARRIVED. By Elijah Muhammad, Messenger Of Allah, Leader And Teacher To The American So-Called Negro
Have you heard about or seen the video of the NEW Russian `Blue Spiral'? - Then, just click -

Sterling Silver Dichroic Glass Blue-Green Spiral Pendant on Stainless Steel Wire, 18" - 12.00 on Amazon

Just a quick `story' for Barfsters - related thru an e-mail exchange yesterday with another UFO blogger John, "I remember as a child about the age of nine or ten years old walking across the town where we lived, myself and my mother and I saw what appeared to be Jesus across the road and standing in the woods, life like and I stepped off the kerb to make my way toward him at which point my mother grabbed hold of me and pulled me back just in time not to be run over by a small van driving by.When I looked across the road toward the woods Jesus was no longer there, I must explain I was deeply religious as a child having had the catechism rammed down my throat every day at school, however I now don't believe in God -
You will find more of John's stuff here -

How to Be Like Jesus: Lessons for Following in His Footsteps

To Be Like Jesus - MP3 - 8.99
Meanwhile ............ Governors To Feds: Help Us Avoid Financial Disaster - - rarely do I opine about the corrupt here in BS, but, Friday on CNBC I saw a talking head saying some mighty strange things might be going on - like - NOBODY is actually buying our government issued 30 billion or so a week bonds the government is floating everything on. Said with a straight face to one of the moderators.

Implying that what was coming was a big HUGE write-off of debts worldwide and a complete restructure of currencies; with new world players. It might not be Aug-Sept-Oct 2008 quite yet folks, but, do consider this the BS warning the media will be less than excited to talk about - as they are still part of the President Obama recovery playback button.

Also related -

Indeed, would 200 dollar oil bring us to `acquire' Canada and perhaps Mexico too; as they are who we get most of our oil from? The big consolidation? The Amero? In our North American Union? --------------- Followed by a breakup of individual states into regions? (retaining state boundries also for some purposes). With the instant END of the `immigration' issue? The Late Great USA: NAFTA, the North American Union, and the Threat of a Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada
Here lies another lost post because of blogspot.
Barf Stew Entertains:

BS sexy Gallery - #1 Will say Yes, #2 Curves, #3 Tub, #4 Upskirt, Today's Topper, - IF you liked this, hit the older posts tab, yesterday was YouTube and Sexy Sunday - many sexy pictures.
Some interesting things are just below - thanks for visiting today - tell a friend about BS (Barf Stew). College Students, tell your buddy about BS today!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Barf Stew's - YouTube And Sexy Sunday

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Donald Rumsfeld - "What is building 7?"

Perhaps you might have heard about this recent talkshow statement by Rumsfeld, perhaps you didn't. What you do know either way is that the MSM wanted nothing to do with the statement as what it conveys is almost beyond - well - Barf Stew - and five other worrisome links.
The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False
Like UFO videos? - Here's two from this month (Feb) in Arizona - both Orbs - one with a `caller' -
Here's two UFO videos, posted yesterday, of Orbs caught in the North Carolina skies -
Barf Stew does Economics - US Will Be the World's Third Largest Economy: Citi - - the complete headline would have told you the USA economy would be 3rd by 2050.
The Southern Advantage: Why You Should Consider Doing Business in the Worlds Fourth-Largest Economy
Africa: The Tenth Largest Economy in the World
How Shortsightedness Brought USA, Largest World Economy, to Vulnerability
Germany's moment of truth: can the largest economy in Europe remain competitive?(Global): An article from: Chief Executive (U.S.)
Aardvark Baby - looks as funny as the word looks - BS Humor.

Plush Cordy Roys Orange Aardvark 15" - Plush Cordy - 15" - 20.50, click pic.

Sample of 41 determines - Cats Adore, Manipulate Women - Barf or Stew, up to you.
My Pillow Pets Valentine Cat
Here's Lon Strickler with some great reads about some high strangeness in the skies of America - - Stewable.
High Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction
Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness (Volume II) (collectors item)
Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into High Strangeness

Best brother and sister video in quite some period:

YouTube and Sexy Sunday Tomorrow - Post is ready and will be up at 12:05AM.
Tell a friend about Barf Stew - Thanks -
It's the weekend, stick around, just hit older posts for up to 420 More - Yes, this is post 421.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Power Of The Moment

Lujan Matus returns to the pages of BS -- here's a tease of this great post:
We are in a state of perpetual remembrance of the moment that escapes us. Every moment that you experience has already gone. So therefore there is no moment, per se, but only the recollection of that moment, which is reconstructed over and over again to give the appearance that the moment is stable, where in actuality it is not.

So the power of the moment that has escaped you is a memory that you reconstruct over
Lujan is the Shaman who I've interviewed in the past on my blog called The Heavy Stuff - he is also an advocate for a raw food diet. Make sure to visit his pages - and to see the end of this post -
Stewable, I assure you.
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus
On my blogs, the above book has been the one most purchased in the past year. Lujan also has a new book here - Awakening the Third Eye: Discovering the True Essence of Recapitulation


Speaking of great posts - Duensing Returns (perhaps) with a new blog but the same great thinking abilities -- here's a tease:
....Is the avoidance of silence a  technologically enhanced addiction? Is the inability to maintain 'radio silence" a barrier to the immersion of both creative attempts to cross the brackets of language as well as being able to listen when the non local attempts to interject a concept?  Do we talk over our experiences? Is perhaps the goal of evolution not to become clever users of communication making sounds to over ride the environment but to become better listeners? Does communication preempt the rumination on it's context, while in flight, as it were?   Do we require a magazine or a program or a borrowed philosophy in order to function?
Even Silence Has an End: My Six Years of Captivity in the Colombian Jungle
An Inner Silence: The Portraits of Henri Cartier-Bresson
Answers From Silence: Using Your Inner Guidance To Find Purpose, Fulfillment, and Enlightenment
Inner Silence Canvas Print / Canvas Art - Artist Linda Sannuti canvas print
Meanwhile.......... The Original Mojave Desert Phone Booth Site - - Barf, Stew, or Both?
Mojave Phone Booth
Hottie, 90 Years Ago - Today's Shorpy: Real Time Travel.
(click above to enlarge) (more information and comments)
Barf Stew Entertains
Meanwhile, does Barf Stew taste good, or does it have good taste:

Finally, for those who want to have what sound like a robot talk to them about esoteric words - does BS have a YouTube for you  - seriously, give it two minutes at least:

Hard News Headlines -

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Could THIS Photograph - Be A Fairy?

Or, a toy? WTH is this? Every sourcing of the picture goes to a Asian website except for where I found it - - Barf Stew with fairy chunks.
Enchanted Fairy Garden Kit
Enchanted Fairy Garden Kit - Fairy Garden Kit, 17.80
Porcelain Fairy Dolls - Sold Individually

Meanwhile, ... NASA Scientist: Persistent Contrails Cause Global Warming -
Barf or Stew, Up To You.        The Contrail Chronicles: An American Family's Journey through War and Peace
Here's a great BS story - might end up forwarding this one to someone - Man finds dad's watch on county green – 58 years after it was lost - - with a metal detector of course.


Entertained yet? How about some Sexy Pics? - #1 Wet, wow, #2 Self-Shot, #3 Trade Show Blondes, #4 Boy Magnet, Today's Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
Sexy Fishnet Open Bust 3 Piece Lingerie Set - One SizeSexy Fishnet Seamless Bodystocking - click for more info. on bodystocking or lingerie

The first realistic estimate on the number of planets in the Milky Way (our galaxy, none others) in the `not too hot, not too cold' zone is estimated at 500 million - Cosmic census finds crowd of planets in our galaxy -  The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

How about some real Time Travel - via this 1910 Cotton Bale Unloading:
(click above picture to enlarge)
Finally, BS hasn't had music for entertainment in some time - so, in keeping with the obscure - Glass Harp and the soft side of Garage Rock:

Glass Harp: Live! Circa 72
Synergy - I have this classic CD - very recommended.

Thanks for being a Barfster - How about supporting this site by buying a Barfster T-Shirt in the sidebar? Thanks.
Want headlines with attitude? -

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In What Language Do Deaf People Think?

One heck of a Barf Stewy read for your Wednesday, humpday, - enjoy - Stewable.

Shake n Wake ZZZ Vibrating Alarm Clock Watch
Deaf People T-Shirt (Guys), Brown, XX-Large - T-Shirt
Salvia - The legal high - Salvia Raises No Safety Flags In Small Test - Barf Stew.
Sage Seeds - Salvia Officinalis - 1 Gram - Approx 120 Gardening Seeds - Herb Garden Seed

Save the bombs of the military? Sure. Save the libraries? Not so fast:

The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World
The Library: An Illustrated History
At Home with Books: How Booklovers Live with and Care for Their Libraries
Library: An Unquiet History
Might see these beauties at the library? The BS Gallery - #1 Perkies, #2 White Skinned Beauty, #3 Practice, #4 Braces, #5 Slight CT, #6 Close Up, #7 D's and Young,  Wow, Humpday Special - Barf Stew Entertains.
How about something completely inappropriate on YouTube?

I Love You, Miss Huddleston: And Other Inappropriate Longings of My Indiana Childhood
Wildy Inappropriate Mens T-shirt in Kelly Green by The Wild Ones, Size: Small, Color: Kelly Green
Exclusive: Inappropriate Acts

How to Be Inappropriate
And, finally, a Sexy Tease Video for Humpday too:

Thanks for visiting BS (Barf Stew) Today - How about turning a friend onto humpday madness at BS - ?

Still need HARD news? - - and bookmark this for a daily read too.