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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Amazing Beautiful Picture Made Out Of Nails - Saimir Strati

Not being an artist with objects other than words myself (not including juggling) - I am truly amazed by some peoples visionary skills - below is just one pic, see them all at the link including the picture the NAIL artist was imitating:
Or, would that be too logical for a politicians mind? Barf Stew.

Inside the DEA -------------------------------------------------
More views the media likes to avoid - Video Outrage: Utah Police Kill Marijuana Smoker in Own Home - - From the link:
The police had a no-knock warrant (though they forgot to bring it) to search for drugs. Busting down a citizen’s door quickly, loudly, and with overwhelming force is the standard. Sure, the guy they were looking for was a roommate who had already moved out (and they knew it), but it is so vitally important that we find and imprison people smoking weed at home that even a hastily-planned no-knock midnight raid without warrant paperwork is preferable to allowing one more joint to be smoked by a middle aged man in his own home.Total Barf Stew.

Like the hard opinions above - well, here's another - seems that Merideth Whitney is skirting the congress about her possibly truthful `call' that a very large MUNI bond bust is Coming. Meredith Whitney's Muni Prediction Draws Scrutiny -
Man attempts to call a UFO - here's the video result - -- and here's a cool Egg Shaped UFO -
Sexy BS Gallery? - , ,
and how about dozens of sexy street vids -
Is this research evidence that mankind can see the future, or, is this Barf Stew -
Top BS Booksellers:
Philip Chen - Falling Star, aliens and 2013
Lujan Matus - The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception , the final connection to the wisdom of Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan.

See Sidebar for more entertainment.
If you want much more stuff - here's an archive I have made of great links (its on Squidoo) -

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