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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bizarre 'Alien' Tumor Found Inside California Man

Oh my god, you almost have to see the x-rays of this `thing' that had a large, tentacled, alien-type tumor growing inside him. Certainly, the words bizarre and alien are seldom found INSIDE of someone - see why - Stewable.

The Darkest Hour - A Collection of Gothic & Industrial Cover Versions
Meanwhile.... From Prison, Madoff Says Banks ‘Had to Know’ of Fraud - Barfable.
The year - 1940's - And, you say that you saw a V-Shaped Craft?

Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft
Reviving the Secret Formula for Coke Story - - BS Entertains.
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It
The Big Brother Conspiracy - All children to be registered in national biometric records - BS.
LTHTSRFS - Additional Remote Finger Sensor for TS100 TouchStation Biometric Time System
I wonder if USA men could get this event to happen? In Stilettos and Miniskirts, Russian Women Clear Snow -

Speaking of stilettos and miniskirts, The BS Gallery - #1 Miniskirts,  #2 Cutie,  #3 Yowser, #4 Making men happy, Humpday Special,
Are you here for the UFO stuff? UFO Video week continues -
-------------------------------------------------The BS sidebar has treasures in it - visit before you goooooo. And, put the lid down.

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