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Friday, February 18, 2011

In China, Tentative Steps Toward Global Currency

1905 Park Hotel - Where One Could Get A Shoeshine and the coins had silver in them.
True Barfsters are aware that BS has a serious political side that shows up occasionally for your digestion; amazing how the MSM has underplayed this whole issue of a global currency or simply changing the exchange currency from dollars to renminbi (the word that will creep into your mind this decade). Stewable.
2010 Report to Congress of the U.S. and China Economic And Security Review Commission: Internet Censorship, Hacking Attacks, Trade, WTO, Security, Missiles, Aviation, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Green Energy
MSM is also avoiding this similar story - Why A Fast Appreciating Yuan Won't Help US Economy -
Gotta love Google - BS Humor.
Meanwhile..... As U.S. Agencies Put More Value on a Life, Businesses Fret - - and yes, you are worth millions. BS.

Is There a Culture War?: A Dialogue on Values And American Public Life
Priceless, believe me. BS Humor.
My new blog - attitude headlines -
Rods, the `lets not mention it' topic: Barf or Stew?

New `UFO' blog - very new - this gentleman is a commenter on occasion on my UFO blog - he evidently has had some experiences that he is about to bring to the public via his blog - worth a bookmark perhaps. -
IF you haven't seen it yet - the UNDERNEATH view of the Jerusalem ORB - here you go - Stewable. Very Stewable.
BS Gallery of Sexy Ladies - #1 OMG, #2 Distant View, #3 Adoreable, #4 Pretty Girl, Today's Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
Thanks for your visit today - bookmark and return please.

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