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Monday, March 14, 2011

Barf or Stew? Tsunami `UFOs' and `Orbs' - Spirit Orbs?

It's become almost predictable - take major world event that is covered `live' - add video - and voila, Orb's or UFOs. And, the Japan earthquake is no exception. First up - the most outrageous or worrisome: And yes, let's throw some conspiracy theory in for good taste: (2,500 or so views)

Now, here, on this live TV shot,  is indeed what appears to be an Orblike object that races ahead of the moving Tsunami wave. - Some say it is a helicopter, but wouldn't a helicopter, perhaps, be more interested in hovering near the front of the action so to speak? Also, wouldn't it be possible that some dead souls within the debris are escaping? 81K views

Or, does this SAME video - show a helicopter more clearly (or, does it indeed show an Orb more clearly)

Finally, does this video show again an Orb emerging from the debris of the tsunami? A USO as the poster likes to call it: (1,209 views) Are these Spirit Orbs?


Man used THIS E-MAIL to obtain 150K year job - Stewable.
BS Humor - Tom always was extra competitive -
BS Humor - Heaven -
Speaking of Spirit Orbs - They were the subject of UDCC blog yesterday - Speculation(s) About `Spirit Orbs' - And Why Their Possible Existence Complicates `UFO Disclosure' -

ORBS: Their Mission & Messages of Hope


One of the great writers of the Paranormal - especially from a first person point of view is the Pastor - Of Weeping Statues, Past and Present - - Stewable. (why do they never tear or wet from the underarm?)
How about one final `UFO' video for today?

Do you know how to dispose of a Spray Paint Can? - Just one of the headlines today on Reddit -

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