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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Starving Eagles - ‘Falling Out Of The Sky’

Unfortunately, this is a real story - not one from The Onion - here's a tease:
Mr. Hancock said about 25,000 eagles flock to salmon rivers in the Pacific Northwest in the fall, to feed on the carcasses of spawning salmon. One of the biggest gatherings is on the Chehalis River, about 100 kilometres east of Vancouver, where as many as 9,000 eagles gather in November and December, drawn by what is usually a large run of chum salmon. The big fish, which average about 6 kilograms, are among the last salmon to spawn and their carcasses are usually available on gravel bars well into the winter.

But Mr. Hancock said the chum didn’t arrive in any numbers on the Chehalis this year, reflecting a coast-wide collapse of the species, and then heavy rains washed away what carcasses there were. The birds were forced to disperse, to look for food where they could find it.
Barf Stew -
Feasting Dragon, Starving Eagle
What if you could write an Open Letter To The World? What would you say today? - - VERY Stewable.

The Gift of Therapy: An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists and Their Patients (P.S.)
Questioning the Veil: Open Letters to Muslim Women

Ready for some Time Travel? How about to 1906 and a Hip Neighborhood - You know, with the Coffee Shop next to The Movie House Area:
(click above picture to greatly enlarge)
Now, here's some real BARF Stew - Army of Fake Social Media Friends to Promote Propaganda -
some very worrisome `news' here folks - and you can bet the MSM will have NOTHING to do with it. Barfable. Politics.
About the only thing to counter the above - is the beauty of the BS Gallery - Ready? #1 A 9.5, #2 Second Base?, #3 Sweet Thing, #4 Hot Redhead, Today's Topper,
How about a Shuffle Girl? Sexy Tease from Barf Stew:

Want more great links that I've put together - before I even had BS? -- Here you go, lots to explore - promise -
OR, if you want today's news headlines - please check Reddit - - bet you forward one of these headline links to someone you know.

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