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Thursday, March 3, 2011

US Has Weapons To Fight UFOs and ET

Every once in awhile it is fun to trot out the `edgy' exopolitics crappola (always from those `in the know') - that said, the source is not a horrible one - find out more at the link:,_Says_Former_Canadian_Defense_Chief,_Plus_An_Even_Bigger_Secret.html
Barf Stew for sure.

Related exopolitics post: Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA - Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe

Exopolitics: Political Implications Of The Extraterrestrial Presence ---------------------------------
Meanwhile, -Man spends 30 years creating model of Herod’s Temple - - AMAZING LINK - Incredible pictures. STEWABLE.  Herod's Temple: The Temple Jesus Knew
BS Humor -
CLASSIC BS - - combines Ken Jennings and more. You'll forward this to someone who will wonder where you see all these cool links. Stewable.
-------------------------------The Recapitulation of The Quantum
Esoteric FlipOUT stuff? Sure - Bruce Duensing of course. A tease:

The triangulation of our spacial orientation as divided from the whole is a marvelous invention of compounded referents that the admirers of chaos would remark to us as a local rube as to passer-bys in a provincial setting, "Look here buddy just because you see a pattern here, does not mean you are not lost." The familiarity of ourselves in relation to the nature of the recollection of referents does not mean we possess a map as to what it may be we are composed by and from, let alone, where we are.
Very Stewable.
The BS Sexy Gallery? Yep. #1 Farmgirl, #2 Tan Legs, #3 Tight White Booty Shorts on Trade Show Girls, #4 HS Athletes, Today's Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
7 For All Mankind Women's Kaylie Sexy Trouser, New York Dark Featherweight, 30
7 For All Mankind Women's Kaylie Sexy Trouser, New York Dark Featherweight, 30 the above, pictured.
The Outer Limits of Sexy YouTube:

Are you here for GREAT UFO stuff too? UDCC had a great Russian Skyevent yesterday -
Oh, and The C Influence is rocking Shaman style - - Great stuff from Regan Lee
Please, if this is your first visit to BS - take a look around the sidebar for much more.

For more NEWS of today - -- the stories your hometown paper would rather not print.

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