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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Graham Suggests Christ's Second Coming Possible Via Social Media

While the clip is confusing as to whether Franklin Graham thinks it is via the MSM or YouTube or Facebook related - ultimately, he feels the `picture' of Christ will be distributed worldwide for all to see (in as near an instant manner as possible). Barf or Stew, Up To You. Have YOUR cellphone ready.

Rebel with a Cause
Rebel with a Cause
Billy Graham: God's Ambassador
Today's Sexy Picture - Amazing Eyes -
The UFO stuff doesn't get much better than this - a story about the NSA releasing an analysis of `messages' from ET's directed at the Sputnik - over the top stuff that is already being taken off the internet - (story might have been a simulation) - BS.
BS Humor - Foiling While The Roommate Is Out -
Blogfind - DADS are the Original Hipsters - - Stewable.
Meanwhile..... Last Typewriter Factory in the World Shuts Its Doors - Stewable.
Barf or Stew? -
Edgy Stuff - Barf Stew

How to Generate and Build Your Own Power
Solar Safari Cool Hat
Solar Safari Cool Hat (under 30.00) - A Very Cool Hat Indeed
Read this review of above product:
I bought an earlier version of this hat in 1984 and have used it every summer since: watching my sons' soccer games, hiking, camping and other outdoor activities in the direct sun. For the last two summers I've been walking 5 miles every day wearing this helmet. I have fair skin and have to be careful not to get too much sun.

People think the hat looks weird until they try it and find out that it really does make a significant difference. My version has a thin, rectangular sponge which attaches to the inside of the hat band. This sponge can be dipped in water. When the air blows through the sponge it feels like air conditioning. (The sponge in my hat, sadly, over the years has deteriorated, and I'm looking for a replacement of some kind.) Take my word for it: the hat really works. They're well made. After 23 years, other than the sponge needing replacement, mine looks like new. Buy one if you spend lots of time in the sun.

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