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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is This An Alien?

First, great coverage of a similar incident can be found at today,  and it is where I found the video you see below too:

So, what is to be made of the above video? Uploaded in only the last few days, over 20K views - doesn't really look like a person per se. Lon at the source link above mentions a serious Nuke plant accident in the general area too. Barf Stew.
The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago
Hot breaking news on Morning Reddit Headlines - like a computer software programmer of polling machines swearing UNDER oath that the machines FIX elections. AND MORE.
Trippy Screen Saver - Barf Stew Entertains.
Barf Stew Politics - Internet gambling sites owners charged with fraud - - the under coverage of this story is noteworthy. The whole thing smells fishy to say the least. I mean they claim that The owners of three of the largest Internet poker companies operating in the United States were accused on Friday of tricking regulators and banks into processing billions of dollars of illegal Internet gambling proceeds oh, please, TRICKED THEM? You have got to be pulling my leg. Barf Stew.
-----------------------------Masters of Poker Presents: Annie Duke's Conquering Online Poker

Speaking of online entertainment - The BS Gallery (about to be history?) - 1) Mini Skirt, and, Out Of Gas on a lonely road, - 2) Red Hot UK, 3) Sexy Cheerleader, 4) Schoolgirl Friends, Today's Self-Shot Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
Two days to save the gallery - Chip-In Button in sidebar.
Here for the UFO stuff? - - at UDCC a YT video of a TV report about a 1977 case in Mississippi. Good Stew.
Thanks for your visit today Barfsters - Check out the updated sidebar before you go away.

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