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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Sunday BARF - Hard Data Comparison - Real Human Interest For - Are UFOs Real, Was Jesus Real?

Hello Barfsters, and welcome to the BS if you are new (Barf Stew). As some of you know, BS `re-launched' this week, partly in response to the changes in the Google algorithm, which basically stripped BS of `frivolous' image traffic that BS generated for free via the Gallery Section. What it has left for BS in the google search is still very worthy of developing, as, what it left, was the CORE people who come here for REAL CONTENT (something that BS had gotten a bit away from lately).

Real content means just that - use the brain to be original and give the audience something unique - NO PROBLEM. And, today's Sunday BARF - will be the first example of such. Welcome aboard.
                                             JESUS VS UFO's

So, I suddenly get the mind thought of `wouldn't it be interesting to know how many folks have a compelling urge to look up stuff about Jesus and UFO's - such as REALNESS. -- And, thanks to Google's Adwords, I can find out EXACTLY how many people feel that way for any given month.

As you can see at this link - (enter the terms if it doesn't load)
only one person in a million on the face of the Earth wonder about the realness of UFOs in a given month (6,600) and about one person in TWO million wonder about the realness of Jesus (3,600) - and that doesn't include possible multiple searches by the same individual at different times or computers (I would assume) (exact term search was `was Jesus real' `are UFOs real').

Oh, you can `buy' coverage of that Jesus search for .05 a click and the UFO coverage will cost about .14 cents.

The BARF takeaway doggy bag for this is - almost nobody cares to search objectively about these SUPPOSEDLY important subjects to those interested in them. So, the next time you happen upon some animated discussion about such topics - remember this Barf Stewworthy post on Barf Stew.
The Big Book of Soups and Stews: 262 Recipes for Serious Comfort Food


  1. What a piece of crap article. The links don't work as you suggest, and your conclusions are a bunch of crap too -- despite your lousy links, I found my way into adsense and did the searches. Your FALSE ASSUMPTION that ALL people who are curious whether UFOs are real type into Google "are ufos real" is ridiculous. Plenty other searches could be used, and plenty other search engines could be used. And so on. Idiot.

  2. The BARF LOVES that the post so moved you. The info comes from ADWORDS and NOT adsense. The Info is CORRECT for the terms searched - but, thanks for the revelation that Other Words could be used - that is deep anonymous. Deep deep.


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