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Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Donald Trump Went Birther

Here's some real BS for you - - Barf Stewworthy - BS does politics.
Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life
Trump: The Art of the Deal
Speaking of Mickey Mouses:

Barf Stew GIF ---
Interesting poll of 320 college women in UK - Would You Trade a Year of Your Life to Be Thin? - - 2% would give up a decade. BS.
The French Don't Diet Plan: 10 Simple Steps to Stay Thin for Life

The All New Free to Be Thin
How about a thin BS Gallery? 1) Yowser, 2) Winter Hottie, Today's Topper, Barf Stew Entertains. Only three pics? It's gonna take Chip-In's to `enlarge' the BS Gallery - do your part today via the sidebar button. Final 10 days?
Like the above? Sexy Sunday was yesterday - check out the archive today.
Barfsters are eating up the Reddit links at the new Morning Reddit Headlines -
Are you here for the UFO stuff? Some great posts on UDCC recently - - this link about what was seen from a LA film set by some background actors ---- AND, here OLDTIME UFO/Orb videos.
Thanks for being a Barfster.
Totes Superdome Auto Open/Auto Close UNDER 18.00

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