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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama's Dead - Alternative NON MSM Views

Part of the comments to one post - the HIGHEST rated as of yesterday on Libertarian on Reddit:
It seems like Bin Laden's gotten the last laugh in the end, doesn't it? With the last "bogeyman" of the War on Terror out of the picture, what are we left with and at what cost?

Hundreds of thousands dead.
Trillions of dollars spent. A deeply-entrenched military-industrial complex.
A bureaucratic and administrative state authorized by the PATRIOT Act which now has the power to actively subvert the Constitution for the sake of "national security".
A paranoia and climate of fear actively promoted by statists to further their lust for power and agency.
A willing public that is all too eager to sacrifice essential liberties for temporary security.
An Arab world which is now entirely justified to view the United States for what it is - an aggressive, interventionist and coercive empire.

No end in sight for our current conflicts which have never been authorized according to the Constitution, and a seemingly "legitimiate" cassus belli authorized by the United Nations Security Council in Libya, effectively subverting American sovereignty in the matter.

If Bin Laden intended even a fraction of these goals when he and his minions planned 9/11, then I'm sure he thought it was all worth it in the end. I see little cause for celebration past this obvious propaganda to somehow frame the Iraq and Afghanistan wars - with all the blood and money that it cost - as all worth it now that Bin Laden's dead. This doesn't change shit, in the same way that people don't give a shit that Castro's probably dead already, yet we still maintain an embargo against Cuba.

Rants - found on BS - seldom found on the MSM.

Osama: The Making of a Terrorist
Meanwhile.... US Debt Rating Should Be 'C': Independent Agency - - BS has business politics too - like this new agency that ranks the USA debt 27th out of 41 debtor countries. Folks, you do realize that IF the USA had to pay even 5% to re-finance it's debt that we would be BANKRUPT. Right?
I Can't Afford Hyenas [HD]
Today's Sexy Picture - Real Or Not? - - Over 100 pictures and 9 videos are up at the new BS Gallery (not called that in any manner). Updated Daily. 2.02 donation via the Chip-In Button on the sidebar will bring you the URL before it becomes a member only blog. When you `Chip In' (it's a PayPal donation to the blogger) your e-mail address is given to me and I will send the URL.
BS Humor - - sometimes, barfy.
You say you need the FACTS about Masturbation? - - Stewable. Hot. (hattip to John W.)
IF you come here for the UFO stuff - a great post today on UDCC about Spirit Orbs - - or - perhaps this good ORB video from North Carolina - or this BS Monster UFO -
Finally for today - I did THIS BLOG - for 5 years - lots of good stuff still to read.
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