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Thursday, May 5, 2011

UFO Pyramid Taiwan - 7-17-2010

Here's a barfy TV UFO sighting report - frankly, do you even see the pyramid?

Old horror, B-Movie website, very stewable.
Drive-In Movie Classics 50 Movie Pack
Drive-In Cult Classics - 8 Movie Set
The Golden Age of Crap: 77 B-Movies From the Glory Days of VHS
SciFi Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection
Horror Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection
Today's Bikini Picture - Wow.
Do you come to BS for GREAT paranormal reads? - - Heady Stewable Stuff.
The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality
Something Unknown Is Doing We Don't Know What
The History of the Birth of the Hippies - - got a couple hours? Stewable and Smokable.
Budding Prospects: A Pastoral (Contemporary American Fiction)
MRH - Today's news like nowhere else - - humor too.
Evergreen Air - Chemtrail Facility, or complete BS -
What In The World Are They Spraying?
Chemtrails Confirmed
You may have noticed that Silver prices are tanking daily - is this the coming Splash Crash?
Emergency Survival Food Supply 275 Servings - 20 YEAR SHELF LIFE
Thanks for your visit today.

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