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Sunday, June 12, 2011

American Military - Russian Farmers - The Link

Back in the 70's, in Economics's classes, the US University's proudly talked about the efficiencies of the United States agriculture advancements, that let only a few percent of the population produce food for everyone; whereas, in the Soviet Union the percentage needed to produce the food for the country was MUCH higher - the Economic professors called it `hidden unemployment'. Which brings to mind the troops and personnel that the USA has in literally hundreds of countries - would that be `hidden unemployment'? ------- A stewable point from Barf Stew?
What would happen if EVERYONE could print their OWN MONEY? --- How about a CNBC link explanation - -- also, think about it - if YOU could be paid in any currency - which one would you pick? Google Cash or perhaps Brazil Cash or what?
Too Much Money: A Novel (Random House Large Print)
A Fool and His Money (Large Print Edition)
The Literacy Bridge - Large Print - Lunch Money
The search for Bigfoot and the TV marketing of such - - BS.
Bigfoot! : The True Story of Apes in America
Bigfoot! : The True Story of Apes in America
Some folks have had ENOUGH of the crappola that is happening to the citizen rights in America - like these folks.

Meanwhile....... Chicago State's Attorney Lets Bad Cops Slide, Prosecutes Citizens Who Record Them - - Makes ya'll warm and fuzzy inside, right? BS does Politics.
Is the `actions' in Libya constitutional? -- Two views - - the outlaws of the House and Senate. TV report.
Meanwhile..... Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students:

Will folks wake-up before it's too late? Doubt it.
Here for the Sexy Picture BS does daily? - - Dig into the archive for more via the sidebar.
Tomorrow BS will feature some of the latest worrisome indications that an economic `setback' is upon all of us once again during the Obama Recovery - if and when the crash comes - will you be ready to make it thru the first `rough patch'?

Emergency Food - Emergency Survival Food Supply 275 Meal Pack (Under 125.00)
Emergency Blankets - Emergency Mylar Thermal Blanket - 54" x 82" - Pack of 10 Blankets (Under 10 bucks)

5 in 1 Survival Whistle, Emergency Zone® Brand
Datrex Emergency Water Packet - 3 Day/72 Hour Supply(12packets)

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