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Monday, June 6, 2011

Feds Issue Threat: No Fly Zone for Texas?

The crappola of the Feds never should surprise anyone; and here is a story of just how far the Feds are willing to threaten a state that doens't `go along' with the crappola. I'd say this is the old `withhold the funds for roads' crap taken to a whole new level. IMO, at some point, `rich' states - mainly oil producers - will decide that they have `had enough' and we are going to see a whole new America. Time will tell. - A must read article -
And, if you think that the ABOVE is worrisome - check this out - The Push Is On To Crush Alternative Websites - - BS Does Politics.
Need some Internet Radio Strangeness? -
BS Humor - if you want more BS humor, just click the `labels' of this website.
Rubik's Cube World Record

Rubik's Cube
ShengEn FII 3x3x3 Speed Cube Black
Rubik's Cube 4x4
IF you are here for the UFO stuff - I had a great post yesterday at UDCC - Bloated Ideas And Myths About `UFOs' - - Stewable.
The BS Sexy Picture - - want more of this? The Archive holds more.
BS Solar Products
Designing Indoor Solar Products
Juicebar Pocket Solar Charger Power Electronics
Juicebar Pocket Solar Charger Power Electronics - Under 40 bucks. Is 2011 the year you finally go partly solar?

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