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Saturday, June 4, 2011

SURVEY SAYS: More Americans Think Economy Will NEVER Recover

You have to laugh, (or cry) at the pompous talking heads on CNBC (all of whom make 6 or 7 or even 8 figures) speaking of `air pockets' or `soft patches' in the economy - when a growing number of folks KNOW that things will NEVER return to normal after the TRILLIONS of dollars fleeced from the people by the fraud of the Banksters. Never ever. The new normal. The GREAT Recession. Read the survey results here - --- BUT, before you think that is BAD - wait till you read WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN GREECE DEFAUTS (nothing short of the literal shit hitting the fan) - one thing WILL fall after another and who knows where it will really lead. Better stack up on canned goods and emergency supplies.
Emergency Survival Food Supply 275 Meal Pack
Emergency Survival Food Supply 275 Meal Pack 275 meals for under 115.00.
Barfsters know about BS's `Paranormal Award' patch you see in the sidebar - so, here's a Paranormal Website - --- so, if you want to talk with the dead, here's your chance.
In Order to Talk With the Dead: Selected Poems (Texas Pan American)
The Dead Talk Back
My Talks with the Dead
Talks with the Dead. Luminous Rays from the Unseen World
As Barfsters know, BS hates both of the mainstream political parties - here - watch the latest Republinut to enter the Presidential race blow off a medical marijuana users question:

Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
As you can see in the sidebar - BLOGFINDS are an important part of the BS offerings - like this - - Barf Stew.
Another portion of the Stew is Pretty Girls - - (almost a daily feature, dig into the archive for more).

Saving Money - Survive and Prosper in a Credit Crunch
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