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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

US Is in Even Worse Shape Financially Than Greece: Gross

No, the above statement isn't from some crazy dude who doesn't know anything about the world economy - it's from the Trillion Dollar Man - Bill Gross. As we all know, they'd like to kick the can on Greece down the road to at least 2014 -- how far can they kick the USA can? - pure Barf folks.
The Bond King: Investment Secrets from PIMCO's Bill Gross
As anyone with even half a brain knows, not only is the above true - but, the military of this country is froth with connections to nefarious activity - such as letting over 6 billion dollars (in bundled 100's) vanish from airplanes going to Iraq. This is a Barf Stew story you will NOT forget -- (remember, BS gives you the BS the MSM would rather ignore) - Revealed: How $6.6billion of taxpayers' money sent to Iraq by Bush may have been STOLEN
Which brings us to these words of wisdom that the MSM says has NO Chance:

BARF STEW - Does Politics.
IF you come to BS for the mix of UFO material - how about ANOTHER report of `house hovering UFOs'? -
Admiral Byrd, the Hollow Earth Exploration and UFOs
The Ra Material: An Ancient Astronaut Speaks (The Law of One , No 1)
BS knows that many come for the daily BS Gallery of Beautiful Women - such as this beauty - - look around the archive of BS for more (sidebar too).
Have you heard that Facebook membership in the USA declined over 3% last month and that Canada was down almost 9%? -- Stewable.
Thanks for your BS visit.
Have Fun This Summer:
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