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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blacks O.J. Verdict Reaction VS Whites Casey Verdict Reaction - Barf Stew Beyond The MSM Chatter

BS waited all afternoon and evening on Tuesday - and thru the morning talk shows `coverage' of the Casey Anthony verdict on Wednesday - and NOT ONCE did I hear a comparison to the shown reactions of the `crowds' based on RACE on the MSM. Which is simply following the MO it always does; which is, NEVER bring up `race' when it could be viewed as NEGATIVE to the minority race. Right?

Remember the street jubilation, by blacks,  when O.J. proved that money can buy even blacks `justice' in America? The shouts of GLEE? The HUGE smiles? The huge FU's to the police. ----------- And, compare that to the angry white faces in the crowds around the verdict yesterday in Orlando! ---------------- Yet THAT DIFFERENCE doesn't even raise one comment from the MSM - the beyond worthless media. Totally worthless.

But, the Casey trial verdict means even more that remains unmentioned by the MSM. And, that is HOW THEY FU@KING WASTED AMERICAS TIME! How they ignored 1,000's of things more important to Americans! How they stooped to the lowest of levels for `entertainment'? How all their so-called EXPERTS have Egg on Their Faces!?

When will we hear THESE opinions of Normal Americans about the MSM, by the MSM? Will they EVER get it right?
Since the recent Google post about the words `when will the united states' produced such an interest -- Barf Stew figured - why not Google `Why does the United States' and see what comes up:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=188253189446e502&biw=1093&bih=603&pf=p&pdl=3000
why does the united states import oil 
why does the united states have a two party system
why does the united states support israel
why does the united states use so much energy
why does the united states help other countries
Once again, Google enlightenment. Stewable, of course.
Hanging out waiting for the BS Gallery? - More of the Russian Candids. BS Entertains.
What would happen if you taught monkey's to use money? Would they like `bargains'? Would they sell sex? - BS.
What happens to all the great links AFTER they make BS? - --- my real connection to the anomalous.
Meanwhile..... Abhaxas Dumps Details of the Internal Florida Voting Database Online - - then again, you knew it was rigged anyway. BS. Does Politics
Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our DemocracyThe Myth of Voter Fraud

Finally for today on BS, a bit of ParaNormal - Out Of Place Artifacts:

Pseudoarchaeology: Marine archaeology in the Gulf of Cambay, Alfred Rosenberg, Thule Society, Out-of-place artifact, Zecharia Sitchin
The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort (Unexpurgated Edition) (Halcyon Classics)
Content is all over the sidebar - take a look. Thanks.

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