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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Does Google PREDICT The United States To Collapse?

As the Google brain continues to imbed the human pysche - one can only wonder when the simple inquiry of `when will the United States' produces the results you see below: - found at MRH this AM -
Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America
Meanwhile, in non power centers come Glimmers Of Hope - Perhaps - A $300 idea that is priceless - Applying the world’s business brains to housing the poor - -- could real homes for the world poor (and anyone really) cost as little as 300 bucks and have the features mentioned at this link? VERY Stewable.
The Very Small Home: Japanese Ideas for Living Well in Limited Space
UFOs in Russia? - BS. With Video.
Few blogs have over 500 followers - this blog linked to does and the treatment it gives to The Outer Limits (TV show) is one prime example of GREAT content - Nightmares in Camelot: The Outer Limits, Part 1 - - Stewable.
The Outer Limits Original Series Complete Box Set - Under 50 Bucks. Perfect Gift.
Ready for an intense education about the real economic situation and how it might relate to GOLD?
You might want to read the above link for that education. The collapse can is nearly to the end of the road.
Barf Stew Does Politics And Economics
Still looking around for the Daily BS Sexy Picture? Here's one from the old BS Gallery - a reader-viewer-Barfster - favorite.
And one reason you love the summer months.
Thanks for your visit today - The Archive Of BS Links is in the sidebar.
Awakening Consciousness: The Councils of Christ and the Cosmic Mother


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