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Monday, July 11, 2011

Man Explains His Love Of Orlando Police To WFTV

This guy must have balls the size of grapefruits - a must see video, and one that needs to go to all of your friends too.

Someone finally spewing the Barf about how the MSM views the police of any jurisdiction; and how many many folks feel the exact opposite or nearly so. More folks doing exactly what this guy does might finally get the MSM to awake a smidgen. Very Stewable. Barf Stew Does Politics.
The `world of Bigfoot' followers nearly always has something to yearn about - be it a show like Finding Bigfoot or DNA analysis of some sample somewhere or insane claims of Bigfoot shootings. As I have said often, EVEN if DNA samples become available for these TEMPORARY creatures - it would prove NOTHING as far as their existence. Nonetheless, here's a viewpoint about the FB show - - BS does ParaNormal.
Bigfoot Campfire StoriesBigfoot! : The True Story of Apes in AmericaNature Wonders LOUISIANA SWAMPS U.S.A.
The Long Way Home - A Bigfoot Story, 2 DVD Special EditionLegend of the Desert Bigfoot (video) [VHS]The Legend of Boggy Creek
Wanna read how they get around those nasty `teaching standards' in Georgia? Try 2 out of 5 Public schools cheating or:
At Gideons, for example, “an average of 27 of 70 answers on each fourth-graders math test were changed from wrong to right in one classroom.”
These schools are run by democraps and republinuts by the way. Of course.
BS already brought you the link about the woman arrested for growing a vege garden in her front yard - here's another viewpoint on the same story - -- Stewable. Of course.
A Garden In Her Front Yard
National Archives Discovers UFO Landing at U.S. Base in Vietnam - another great story via Lon Strickler. From private records.
Ready for some pictures? Fantasy Girl - and today's sexy candid picture - of young beauty.
More Candid Candid Camera [VHS]
At Strange UFO Videos - the claim as to the clearest daytime UFO ever - - Barfsters can decide for themselves. And at When The SHTF - 645 comments about 9-11 being an inside job and more worrisome stuff.
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