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Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Obama Recovery - And the Booming Need For Street BoardSign Men, Gold Buying Shops, and, Thrift Stores

A few days ago BS brought you the real deal about what might happen if the US Congress does not pass some sort of debt ceiling deal - - any number of things, but, NOT missing a payment on our debt interest - evidently. But, today, BS would like to comment on the obvious, that the media avoids at almost all cost, when talking about the current economic mess - what BS now calls The Obama Recovery.

Now, remember, BS hates BOTH parties - yet has NO interest in vacilating with the `great independent majority' between the two (actually one) parties either. As NEITHER party is worth the symbol that represents them - a Jackass and a bloated Elephant - well, come to think of it, perhaps they are worth those symbols. Indeed, if NOW isn't the time for the MSM to call the bluff of the worthlessness of the politicians and the two political parties, when is? (Since when should America be governed by parties with at most 25% individual support by the people? How can there NOT be another voice?)

As evidently everyone but the MSM knows, the only recovery since 2008 has been to the bankers and those retail stores of desperation - gold buying shops and thrift stores; then again, there has been a 4000% increase in the streetwalking billboard people, usually trying to get you to sell your gold, or for the going out of business furniture store (or similar). And, everyone knows, even though the MSM hardly mentions it - that the Obama Recovery was nothing more than saving the state governments asses during the downturn, with money to keep the state workers still collecting money instead of getting cut, and unemployed, like everyone else,  like they needed to be in 2008.

Now the new MSM term is a `jobless recovery' and the new worry of `slipping back' into a recession ---- hey MSM, get a f'ing clue - there has been no recovery. What a worthless MSM. Wouldn't NOW have been a good time to feature some folks who are NOT republicans and NOT democrats? Like a few Libertarians?

But, in about a year or so - both of these worthless parties will ask for your votes - on the government mouthpiece - the MSM. Please; BS asks you to -  for ONCE --- don't waste your vote by clicking ANY republinut or democrap. PLEASE. And know that as the MSM tells you that you waste your vote by NOT voting or voting for a third party - that the REAL waste is voting for the same worthless parties over and over.
Frankly, I'd have the debt ceiling raised,..... oh, perhaps 500 billion dollars - so that it would sink in how the congress is overspending - again and again. Until we get some representatives who AREN'T repo's or demo's. To BS, every few months going thru the same charade may actually do some good at enforcing how worthless these members of congress actually are.
Can the day be far off when the oil and energy producing states say ------ SEE YA -------- to the US Government? Why should those states support states like California? Wouldn't a `new country' comprised of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and such be much more stable? Maybe the south itself should break off again? How long before the US `aquires' Canada and the oil producing areas of Mexico?
Indeed, how bad are things really? -- Well, read this -----> - yes, THAT worthless.
Here's a tease:
Even the $4 trillion “grand bargain” on debt reduction hammered out by President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)—a deal that collapsed nearly as quickly as it came together—would not have gotten the U.S. where it needs to be. A June analysis by the Congressional Budget Office concluded that keeping the U.S.’s ratio of debt to gross domestic product at current levels until the year 2085 (to avoid scaring off investors) would require spending cuts, tax hikes, or a combination of both equal to 8.3 percent of GDP each year for the next 75 years, vs. the most likely (i.e. “alternative”) scenario. That translates to $15 trillion over the next decade—or more than three times what Obama and Boehner were considering......
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