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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Penn & Teller: Alien Abduction

On numerous occasions at UDCC I've given my views about `alien abduction' and that I believe 99.9% or more of these experiences are `subjective' in nature - which is why BS gives the experiencers a chance to be heard.

Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo AbductionsThe Grays, Alien Abductions and Genetic Creation of Humans Hybrids Race: Secret US Extraterrestrial Operations. Hybrids Habitats and Way of Life. (The ... of the Anunnaki and extraterrestrials)Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction
Alien AbductionAbduction: Human Encounters with AliensThe Allagash Abductions: Undeniable Evidence of Alien Intervention
Alien abduction events often seem to result in `missing time' - so, let's miss 85 years to return to these Bathing Beauties in 1925:

"where are the bra police?" (with comments)
And, with a nip tease like the above, one can only expect the BS daily Sexy Picture - - Delightful DB - BS Entertains.
Meanwhile..... Georgia Police Bust Girls' Lemonade Stand In Midway - no, they did NOT need their SWAT equipment this time. Another SAD example of the police doing the bidding of the politicians.
Melissa & Doug Deluxe Grocery Store / Lemonade Stand
Melissa & Doug Deluxe Grocery Store / Lemonade Stand (75 bucks)
(not sold in Georgia?)
Quality Time Construction Lemonade Stand, Yellow
BS Humor - The Problem with Planking -
All Star Planking Champion T-Shirt Humor Dark T-Shirt by CafePress
UFOs? Flipped out YouTube videos? You must be talking about that Arkansas guy named DPUFOMAN - - including backyard landings, daytime craft, and UFOs that went to Mars. BS.
Unequal Justice: Wayne Dumond, Bill Clinton, and the Politics of Rape in Arkansas
Yeah, she hula-hoops lots better than you or me. Sensual too.

Weighted Sports Hula Hoop for Weight Loss - Trim Hoop 3B 3 lb. No Ridge, Travel Easy and Easy to Assemble/disassemble
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1 comment:

  1. LOL as much as i do not like Pen and Teller that video really had me laughing at the end !!

    You know, I am currently reading Graham Hancock's book Supernatural. I have had the book for ages, but now am reading it :) Anyway I have been reading where he is showing startling correlations between shamanic contact with spirits and modern reports of 'alien' abductions.

    In the past I have been put off by the likes of Jaques Valle who seem to be rductionists in claims that ALL UFOs and aliens are fairies, as much as I was critical of the nuts and boltsers saying the opposite. But it DOES make sense that considering anceint tribes had persons visited by spirits so they could heal others that now in THIS world of SUCH distress there would be a proliferation of this --whatever it is! it makes sense to me.
    I dont think many people realize the harm we are doing to Mother Earth.


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