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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Obama Recovery Creates Whores Out Of College Girls To Repay Worthless College Degrees

Caught on Tape: True Confessions of HookersAs you all know, we are in the midst of what BS calls 'The Obama Recovery' (TOR), much touted by our sitting President and our beyond worthless MSM for the last two years. One of the consequences of this wonderful new normal is that up to 85% of college graduates end up returning to live with their parents, (up from 40% prior to TOR) with an average of 27K of debt, and no or little prospect for finding employment in their chosen college major.

So, what is one to do with a fancy degree and tons of debt (often of course the debt is to the government or the big banks, funny how that works isn't it); - well, use the advantages of the internet to become a whore - of course. Think BS is pulling your leg with BS? - Seeking Arrangement: College Students Using 'Sugar Daddies' To Pay Off Loan Debt - - here's a tease of the very lurid tale:
Currently, 82,510 profiles on the site contain one or more of the following keywords: school, college, university, money for school, student debt, college debt, tuition or college expenses. Wade says 110,126 women and 25,363 men list "student" as their occupation.

Wade rewards students who use a .edu email address to register on Seeking Arrangement by automatically upgrading their free, basic membership to a premium membership, allowing them to send unlimited free messages and granting them exclusive access to the site's cadre of VIP sugar daddies. The site also includes a complimentary stamp on sudent profiles, certifying them as a "college sugar baby."
Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, right? After all, why should the top execs of the country, bankers and such, have to pay high-priced hookers when they can sample the best our colleges have to offer? The new normal the MSM isn't much interested in talking about and all part of The Obama Recovery.
Man's Man: Tales Of A High-Priced Gay Hooker
High Priced WomanHos, Hookers, Call Girls, and Rent Boys: Professionals Writing on Life, Love, Money, and SexHooker to Housewife

BS Humor - - I bet you forward this to someone.
So, I hit a Casey Anthony link and am appropriately shown this link in the comments - serves BS right - - real sickness.
Speaking of college whores and party mamas - how about Today's BS Daily Sexy Picture - BS Entertains.
Some links deserve to be re-posted - such as this one - Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, Harvard study shows - - BS says, how many times have you heard this on the MSM?
Figured it was time to bring to BS - one of the popular posts from last month on UDCC - The Crossett Light (Orb)

Great video of an anomaly - true terror in the girls voice. BS does paraNormal.
Meanwhile...... New ATM machine detects lies - our BS world - dig it.
BTW, the UDCC `clock' of UFO Disclosure is approching midnight with its August time-setting - - Stewable.
===================================== - Over 3,800 alltime highs in 2011? News for 8/2
MORE BS Tomorrow Of Course
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