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Monday, August 22, 2011

One Home In Cheyenne Wyoming - Home To 2,000 Shell Companies

All in a 1,700 Square Foot home to boot. 2710 Thomes Avenue to be exact. As the barf stew article says "A Reuters investigation has found the house at 2710 Thomes Avenue serves as a little Cayman Island on the Great Plains" - just a story to make you feel all warm and fuzzy to start the week off - Shell Companies Of America
Shell Game: One Family's Long Battle Against Big Oil
And, in Georgia, wear a T-Shirt promoting peace and Get Expelled - BS.
Speaking of being naughty - today's BS Sexy Picture - BS Entertains.
Oh, don't miss this great link at UDCC - a retired Physics guy has looked at the evidence about UFOs and has quite a story to tell UFOs Explained stewable. See his book at the link too.
Meanwhile,..... this guy looks at the on-going soft disclosure of UFO by governments - notably Canada - So why the secrecy about UFOs? Official Canadian docs give answers - - stewable.
Dark Object: The World's Only Government-Documented UFO Crash

Dark Object: The World's Only Government-Documented UFO CrashUFOs Over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters
Don't Tell Anyone, But-- : UFO Experiences In Canada
My Mystery UFO Hovering Flying SaucerThe Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed
A TV report of UFOs over Korea? Or a set of Chinese lanterns?

Link - 49K views in just days.
Thanks for Barfing Today
4 Gallon Countertop Water Filter - Save $$$ - Transform Tap Water to Pure Healthy Mineral Drinking Water
4 Gallon Countertop Water Filter - Save $$$ - Transform Tap Water to Pure Healthy Mineral Drinking Water

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