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Saturday, August 6, 2011

UFO `Angel Hair' Cloud Hits Ground - UFO In Background (AMAZING VIDEO)

Would someone pick a piece of obscure UFO folklore (and religious folklore too) to do a fake/hoax `UFO' video? IF so, things are really degenerating - and, I do not rule it out. That said, take a careful look at this video - make SURE to slow or stop the video and look in the upper right hand corner from about seconds 20-26 or so - and then, consider this Wikipedia Information about `Angel Hair':
Angel hair or siliceous cotton is a substance said to be dispersed from UFOs as they fly overhead. It has been described as being like a cobweb or a jelly.[1][2][3] It has also been reported at sightings of the Virgin Mary.[4][5]

It is named for its similarity to fine hair, or spider webs. Reports of angel hair say that it disintegrates or evaporates within a short time of forming.[1][6][7][8] One theory is that it is "ionized air sleeting off an electromagnetic field" that surrounds a UFO.[9]
In the Portuguese city of Évora on November 2, 1959, angel hair was collected and analyzed at the microscope by local school director and later by armed forces technicians and scientists of the University of Lisbon. Conclusions were not possible although it was formed, apparently, by a small organism featuring 10 'arms' stretching from a central core. It was advanced that it could be a single-celled organism of some kind. This event followed the sighting, by the population of the city, of several UFOs. Angel hair was also spotted in the same day, at the Air Force Base of Sintra, several kilometers to the north
Explanations related to Unidentified Flying Objects include:

Ionized air may be sleeting off the electromagnetic field that surrounds a UFO.[9]
Excess energy converted into matter.[1]
The usage by UFOs of a G-field would cause heavy atoms in ordinary air to react among themselves and produce a kind of precipitate that falls to the ground and disappears as the ionization decreases.[12]
What do you think Barfsters? Only 300 views - posted yesterday. Source Unknown.

YT Link -
Angelic Visions: Create Fantasy Art Angels With Watercolor, Ink and Colored Pencil.HEAVENLY LIGHTS: The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO PhenomenonConversations with a Light Being: A Guide to Being Peaceful on a Confused Planet - the Fatima event involved AH.
So, it does indeed seem like the, getting common, `Multiple Orb with structure' Video capture at seconds 20-26 and the `Angel Hair' certainly fits the description too IMO. The simultaneousness of the event, AND - the fact the the poster doesn't make this claim (the Angel Hair is mentioned finally by a commentor) or, repeat the claim of whoever originally posted this video - again, tends to lend some credibility. Barf Or Stew, It's Up To You.
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Solar Independent Utility Systems Manual: (A Greener Way of Living) Dedicated To: The cause of a moneyless society and to all who want to save our planet!EMP Survival: :How to Prepare Now and Survive, When an Electromagnetic Pulse Destroys Our Power Grid (Volume 1)

1 comment:

  1. Strange that the vid has now been removed, guess we'll never know now, although my gut screams HOAX!


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