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Friday, September 30, 2011

Canada Law Craziness - Child rapists to get less time than pot growers

This article details circumstance after circumstance that the headline is true; even with cases involving force or animals with the children. May make you re-think your thoughts about `progressive' Canada when you read this slop - Pot Growers Worse Than Child Molestors Says Canada - Today's B.S. Lead Story.
Need Money? Well, if you have gonads the size of grapefruits - how about starting your own FAKE Bank like this Kansas City man? - Issues 100 Million In False Financial Documents - but, then again, he's now paid off his student loans and bought a house.
Does the OMB Director have the STUPIDEST and most childlike signature in Washington D.C.? Today's B.S. Thinks So . BS Politics.
Speaking of politics - check out this comparison between the USA and Cuba (of all places right?) - Which County Has Fewer Births Per Woman? - Stewable.
Want a (short) Heavy Read? The Purpose Of Purpose.
Today's UFO video is of strange Orbs in North Carolina.
Finally, On Squidoo I'm known as the AnomalyMan, and with a click you can see the amazing Archive.
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