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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Economic Fears Help Psychics BOOM In The Omaba Recovery

Today, yet another indication of the expanding economy we keep hearing about from the Obama administration - seems that Psychics are benefiting from the Desparate Economic Conditions and, as Barfsters know, it's all part of TOR - The Obama Recovery. (Hit the term in the tags for more sectors of the society booming during TOR).
Regardless of the above - Barf Stew Entertains with a sexy picture - Honey, The Maid Is Here - can you say BUSTY?
Politics, check. Sexy Pic, check. Must be time for some `paranormal' ...... Dan Aykroyd talks UFOs, recounts phone conversation with Britney Spears interrupted by Men in Black (yes, really) - and that story is right Here almost stewable.
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America
 Click picture or link for info.
Yes, a small vacation from BS and a return with a new look and even a new name in a sense. That said, while some changes will be coming, the evolution will be slow, ...... so slow as to have some say that there is no such thing as evolution.

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