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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Extremely Strange Sound Before Virginia Earthquake

You can fill up your ladle with BarfStew on this one folks. Totally untraceable upload with WEIRD sound (loud, high pitched) that is purported to have occurred before the highly unusual east coast Earthquake last week. IF you check the comments you can see someone say they heard the same sound AFTER the Earthquake. Stewable.

Ever wonder exactly who owns the US debt? Find Out Here - cool website too. Cool comments at link. Stewable.
ParaNormal, check. Politics/Economics, check. Must be time for some Sexy Picture(s)? BS Entertains with this Cameltoe Hottie OMG.
The Camel Toe Song [Explicit]
The Camel Toe Song [Explicit]Cameltoe
Braza Camel-Not Toe Cover Foam Pad for Yoga Pants & Shorts
Braza Camel-Not Toe Cover Foam Pad for Yoga Pants & Shorts
Funky enough for you?
You know how they love to create horrific sounding names for Technical Indicators on Wall Street? Well you just crossed into the `DEAD CROSS' Zone while here is an indicator of a growing business segment BS Humor Picture - Stewable.
IF you are still looking for today's UFO stuff - how about the Sky Sound Phenomena Moving The UFO Disclosure Clock To Its Latest Time Setting Ever or would you prefer An ORB near a cropcircle field? Quality Links.
Finally, let's take a Barf Stew stroll into the past - 1964 - and what Cigarette Lighters used to look like in cars:

(Click above picture to greatly enlarge)
Will be doing a political type of post on Sunday or so. Bookmark and return please.
Thanks For Barfing Today
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1 comment:

  1. Rick, I wonder if you have seen this report? it has the same type of sound and an intersting explanation for it


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