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Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Obama Recovery - Pawn Shops DOUBLE In Florida In Just Past Year

Not only that, now they are expanding ONLINE for those that want to use the `pawn shops' for how they were originally intended - pawn items you want to keep, but want a lower cost/less hassle loan alternative to banks. Yep, some jobs are indeed being created in this booming economy. 10,000 Pawn Shops part of growing industry. BS.

(BTW, for all those die hard Bush haters who KNOW that it was the `Republicans' who caused the problem - BOTH parties spend the money and pass the laws in congress. BOTH parties are beyond worthless. BOTH parties voted to go to war with Iraq and so on and so on. Wake UP - BOTH parties are F'ing Worthless. The structure is fixed and hopeless if folks continue to vote R or D. Got it? -------------------------- So, why do I seemingly BLAME the economic situation NOW on Obama you ask? ---- Because HE made key decisions that have NOT improved things in any manner economically and he over promises to the point of being a straight out liar - like BUSH was.)
Decision PointsThe Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage)My Life
Politics are Headlines at Barf Stew - BS Does Politics.
And, in this about to be underplayed story, Housing Crisis Is Worse NOW Than Great Depression  - yepper, NONE of the so-called, over promised, `solutions', offered by the Obama brain trust, has stopped the New Normal caused by the banks and our worthless politicians. For which, still, NONE have been jailed (compared to 1,000's of S&L bankers who saw the other side of the jailbars). NONE. (And that certainly must make the innards of the Omaba lovers warm and fuzzy to think about. You know, the democraps endless rants about `Justice'. Laughable.)
The worthless of these two parties is simply difficult to comprehend with a MSM bought and paid for to dispense each parties line of BS.
And, now, the unthinkable. BS dares to challenge the US policy towards Israel ---- a tease from this story:
In the past 10 years alone, Americans have given Israel the equivalent of approximately $200,000 per Israeli family of five. In addition, there have been weapons subsidies, loan forgiveness programs, special trade preferences, and other generous gifts from American taxpayers to Israel. In fact, despite being one of the world’ smallest nations, Israel receives more U.S. tax money than any other country.
Makes one wonder how Americans would have fared with such help, right? -------- Again folks, this is but a drip in the F'ing Bucket compared to the waste and abuse going on at the Pentagon and more. Worthless Politicians who want you to vote for their party (what choice do you have, right?). You do have a choice -- don't vote for any D or R anymore. Anyway - here's a boatload more of why America is in total collapse BS.
Total Collapse: The Financial Crash of the MillenniumCollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: Revised EditionCollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: Revised Edition
BS does Politics
Like how you'd like to do this girl - today's sexy daily picture - Today's BS Hottie - about 40 of you yesterday found more of this material by going into the BS sidebar and doing some investigating for more content. Hidden treasures on BS.
Today's UFO link - More Coverage of Sky Noise Phenomena Stewable.
Need another paranormal read or 10? My ENTITY Archive on Squidoo - stories simply out of this world.
And for Today's BS YouTube Pick:

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